Weather condition and forecast - Holiday domicile al Lupo in Castelrotto
Current weather forecast for a pleasant stay in the Sciliar area, the heart of the Dolomites
Check the weather of our current weather report and start your deserved holiday jauntily!The weather today, Friday 04/10/2024
Very cloudy, some rain
The precipitation will subside in the afternoon, but it will remain cloudy.
The precipitation will subside in the afternoon, but it will remain cloudy. Temperatures will reach highs of 10° to 16°.
The weather tomorrow, Saturday 05/10/2024
Sun and clouds
There will be a mix of sun and clouds. Most clouds along the border to Austria. In some valleys there will be a northerly foehn wind.
There will be a mix of sun and clouds. Most clouds along the border to Austria. In some valleys there will be a northerly foehn wind. Highest temperatures between 12° and 19°.The weather of the coming days
Mostly sunny on Sunday and Monday
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday |
-1° / 19° | 3° / 20° | 5° / 16° |
On Sunday widespread sunshine with some high clouds appearing from the west later on.
Monday will be mostly sunny with highs of up to 20°.
On Tuesday, the clouds will increase and it will start to rain widely during the course of the day. The snow line will be in the high mountains.
The weather will improve on Wednesday. The clouds will break up and it will be partly sunny.
>> 360° view of Castelrotto and the Sciliar area >>
Contact address
Hotel Al Lupo***
Oswald von Wolkenstein street 5
I-39040 Castelrotto (Bz)
Tel. +39 0471 70 63 32
Fax +39 0471 70 70 30
The client card
Our guests get the "Holiday Area Seiser Alm Live Card" to us the public transportation (buses and trains) in South Tyrol.